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I really should have waited till it finished… On a side note. There is this inconsisten...

... March 10, 2024 9:45 pm

I really should have waited till it finished…

On a side note. There is this inconsistency that’s bothering me. Since the valentine family is a family of swordsmanshio it was shown that both Elisha and Rosetta practiced swordsmanship. Then why does she keep thinking her body is weak or the fan is the only unsuspicious weapon for a weak noble lady? I get the weak body to certain extent because no matter how she trains she can’t ascend the limits of a human body. But still weak and fragile noble lady so a fan not a sword. Which btw the was holding in the depictions of her second life.

    Yukako yamagishi March 16, 2024 6:49 am

    I think she said they weren’t that good and only learned the basics n also she mentioned that in her second life she was half human half god so her power is god like that an average human body can’t contain :)

    ... March 16, 2024 8:12 am
    I think she said they weren’t that good and only learned the basics n also she mentioned that in her second life she was half human half god so her power is god like that an average human body can’t contain... Yukako yamagishi

    Yes I pointed out that contrast. But weak because it can’t transcend the limits of humanity and weak because fragile are two different things. She implies more towards the latter. Also she in her second life holds a sword. Think back to the flash pback of her after a battle when she couldn’t sleep because the experience was so traumatic. And then she says she used a fan in her second life too.