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Nickname March 10, 2024 11:13 pm

I don’t get how the MC died. Please answer

    BBhomemaker March 10, 2024 11:57 pm

    ...he got pneumonia from being outside too during the winter? And...Beom...died from...a broken heart? I honest feel split on this one. I liked the artwork and the storyline was okay - I don't know...I can't say I love this story. Alot of things were so how did Beom recover from amnesia so fast? ...How did they manage to disappear for so long...wouldn't people be looking for them? Just lots of loose ends and random happenings.

    Nickname March 11, 2024 1:45 pm
    ...he got pneumonia from being outside too during the winter? And...Beom...died from...a broken heart? I honest feel split on this one. I liked the artwork and the storyline was okay - I don't know...I can't sa... BBhomemaker

    Oh, I see. I've actually been confused for a while regarding how the MC died. Thanks, though! They could've actually survived that lifetime if only MC didn't get sick.

    Auggie March 16, 2024 7:28 am
    ...he got pneumonia from being outside too during the winter? And...Beom...died from...a broken heart? I honest feel split on this one. I liked the artwork and the storyline was okay - I don't know...I can't sa... BBhomemaker

    Honestly think the amnesia thing was a bit random but I understood the author's intent behind it. I think the author just did not want that arc to drag on for too long.

    As for disappearing for so long, I just think people assumed they were dead. Since it was really unlikely they were alive considering they were literally stuck in a huge fire. It could also be due to the incompetency of the security officials of that time. I also assume that most of the higher officials just chose to believe Ahn Geumhoo died since it's more advantageous that way and they hated him. During the aftermath, there were also a lot of ongoings (the Prince killing himself, his crimes etc.) during the time they disappeared that their disappearance was probably buried under wraps.