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I’m so confused???

ari March 11, 2024 12:32 am

Can someone please explain what the guy with the scar was just talking about? Like with placing a trap?

    SENPAI March 11, 2024 1:08 am

    He pretends as if he doesn’t want sasya and all that cold attitude of his was just an act he put to make sasya obsess over him
    Because apparently sasya is the type to obsess over something he wants but can’t get and the harder it is for sasya to get something he’ll be wanting it even more to the point of obsessing
    And that’s what Karl is doing he’s making it hard for sasya to Have him so he can obsess over him and that’s the trap of his
    That also explains his weird behaviour we all thought he was doing it out of revenge but NO it was cuz he loves sasya or more obsessed with him but now it’s no longer the sweet version of obsession but the dark one