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One thing I’ve always wondered about this lovely community is how people will try and ju...

Kai March 11, 2024 9:12 am

One thing I’ve always wondered about this lovely community is how people will try and justify an abusive persons actions with “the character development better be good”. The development doesn’t change the fact that bro has humiliated and degraded another person (fictional but you get my point). I bet if the tops were ugly, many peoples tune would change real quick. Same applies to straight romances too

    seabi March 11, 2024 9:19 am

    fr tho!!! but wtv we can’t do shit abt it lol, jk js gna end up a green flag like bj alex and everyone’s gonna forget abt all his rape violence and abuse behaviour (⌒▽⌒)

    TMSM for JinxLovers&JKstans March 11, 2024 10:12 am

    Incorrect. This was Mingwas plan all along.

    Sagobaba March 11, 2024 4:08 pm

    Of course his actions aren't okay. And I don't think that anyone disagrees when it comes to that. But some of us just try to put things into perspective. Because there has been hints throughout the story about Jaekyung's past and why he is the way he is - it's obvious that he isn't like this just because. Something triggered this behavior. And we are probably soon gonna find out what exactly that is.

    BaileyBot March 11, 2024 6:11 pm

    I want him on his knees begging for forgiveness and then Dan says no!

    Kai March 12, 2024 10:27 am
    Of course his actions aren't okay. And I don't think that anyone disagrees when it comes to that. But some of us just try to put things into perspective. Because there has been hints throughout the story about ... Sagobaba

    I get someone’s childhood has an effect on their behaviour and manners; however, his past shouldn’t be an excuse to enable his actions towards somebody who is clearly desperate and struggling. His actions are 100% triggered by something from the past but justifying unhinged behaviour because of that sole reason is silly and very primal. Perspectives are hard because there is a certain level of bias towards a character as well.

    There is no hate in this comment, I just find other people’s opinion and perspectives interesting.

    Sagobaba March 12, 2024 12:21 pm
    I get someone’s childhood has an effect on their behaviour and manners; however, his past shouldn’t be an excuse to enable his actions towards somebody who is clearly desperate and struggling. His actions a... Kai

    I understand what you're saying and I agree with you. Someone's past isn't an excuse for bad behavior. Of course not. But it seems that some people actually believe that people like for example Jaekyung, are evil and bad people through and through, and that they act the way they do just because. I mean, I understand why Someone would think that. But it just doesn't sit right with me. Because everyone has a past, and we all go through different things. And we all react differently to things. We cope in our own way. We handle things in our own way... etc....
    And it seems that Jaekyung's way of coping and handling things is through aggression. Everytime he feels threatened he becomes aggressive. It's like he's using aggression as a shield to protect himself. He can't seem weak, he can't let his guard down, because he doesn't want to let what happened in the past happen again. At least that's what I think is going on...
    However, this way of coping and handling things is of course awful and not okay at all. He should get help, go see a therapist or something like that.
    So yeah, it's messy... but I just want everyone to understand that there's more to somebody than what meets the eye, and that it's not only black and white.