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Tj creeps me out out for some reason lol I think it’s funny to see people who love him s...

Emihue March 11, 2024 11:04 pm

Tj creeps me out out for some reason lol I think it’s funny to see people who love him saying he’s the best choice when Ian through out the whole story expressed that he doesn’t have interest in pursuing relationships with him but tj forces him to and feels like he is in great debt with him and owes him and feels bad cutting ties with him idk how people think that’s healthy

    TheOldYaoiFan March 12, 2024 8:14 am

    Legit! I think Ian does sometimes look like enjoys sleeping with him since they’ve known each other for a long time and know what the other likes, but sometimes it does feel like ian is just kinda going with whatever tj does to him almost like he has to. I also think that ian may somewhat be a sex addict since thats kinda how he relaxes snd escapes his thoughts, I think he cares abt Tj but i don’t think he fully sees him as a potential sex partner, also I don’t think ian even knows what actual romance or healthy love means. He’s pretty naive and clueless in some ways. Tj is usually the one looking after ian and doing whatever. I think that ian has no idea what boundaries really are and is probably kinda scared of what tj might do so he’s kinda always taming the beast. Idk, they have great sexual chemistry but thats it imo. Even when having sex, i felt like he was more interactive with Jo while he just kinda does whatever tj wants when he’s with him

    VenusD March 12, 2024 9:04 pm
    Legit! I think Ian does sometimes look like enjoys sleeping with him since they’ve known each other for a long time and know what the other likes, but sometimes it does feel like ian is just kinda going with ... TheOldYaoiFan

    You are exactly right. It’s very obvious that Ian needs to break free from TJ. Even tho they care for each other, they want different things and their relationship isn’t healthy at all