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im ngl

thisBarbielovestorant March 12, 2024 1:42 pm

cassio is an asshole, still is per chapter 38 BUT among the 3 men, hes the only one who got busy with brains, i wonder if thats why ophelia chose to entrust emilia to him and not the tepid tempered raretis, even though in hindsight itd have made sense for ophelia to put emilia in the care of someone with least visible conflict with her. cassio is smart and live off stimulations (??? sort of). hes borderline a sicko but hes not dumb at it like the ponytail. in passing, i feel like cassio and ophelia are both very similar characters. theyre blunt and kinda twisted, bitter, but also incredibly protective. ophelia has been seen showing that she can be genuinely affectionate with emilia, and i think in time cassio can be a sincere person too, hence why ophelia chose him for guarding emilia post her passing.
i saw spoilers saying that raretis is the ML but honestly i find it very hard to believe, although maybe its also for the best for emilia. but right now though, cassio is so interesting and their interaction is diabolical and complex and their chemistry is flying sparks everywhere. i just feel like even though ellodi is the exact ophelia lookalike, cassio is literally the spitting image of ophelia, in terms of personality and perspective

    Nizze March 12, 2024 7:08 pm

    I honestly think so too. Raretis is so extremely apathetic... and has been all their lives that it's painful to even imagine him as ml. As someone supposedly close to the late Ophelia you'd think that he'd be at least appalled by her parents bringing Ellodi in and be more clear of his opinions about it...

    ThePrinceLady March 31, 2024 6:54 am
    I honestly think so too. Raretis is so extremely apathetic... and has been all their lives that it's painful to even imagine him as ml. As someone supposedly close to the late Ophelia you'd think that he'd be a... Nizze

    Yep. I want Raretis to get his heart broken. What was he talking about "betraying Ophelia"? So he really was going to replace her with some random girl who looks like her?? And then he's just floating around doing nothing. I really hope Emilia doesnt't end up with him.

    Nizze April 1, 2024 7:29 am
    Yep. I want Raretis to get his heart broken. What was he talking about "betraying Ophelia"? So he really was going to replace her with some random girl who looks like her?? And then he's just floating around do... ThePrinceLady

    Yeah... the other two guys are terrible... like... twisted psychos that don't even deserve to be called 2nd ml... and the fact that mos readers are rooting for blondie even tho he is trash... says a lot about just how bad Raretis is. I've read some time ago that the worst him a fictional character can make is being boring/unappealing and even being a villain is better than that. This comic is a prime exemple of that.