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Abel deserves better

Mochii_Miilk March 12, 2024 9:34 pm

At first I felt bad for Cain and hated Yeonli for what she did to him. But the more we learn about Cain and Abel's past I start to feel less bad for Cain. Abel is the true victim here. Abel kept putting his trust in his brother time and time again and sacrificed so much for him, when he didn't even have to in the first place. But Cain spat on that trust and unconditional love and made the same stupid mistakes. Now he's dead and Abel is yet again, left alone to clean up after him.
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Mochii_Miilk March 12, 2024 9:39 pm

    Just thinking about it pisses me off. Tbh can't blame Yeonli for what she did to Cain, Cain's stupid ass was obviously an easy target. I still hate her for traumatizing and sexually assaulting my boy Abel tho