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euh! i don't know where they heard that a rose is called "mon chéri" in France lol I'm F...

Aiteal January 16, 2017 11:42 pm

euh! i don't know where they heard that a rose is called "mon chéri" in France lol I'm French and it's the first time i hear that XD
A rose = love ....... and in french une rose a pour siignification l'amour mais ça reste une rose ahahah!

    Aoi February 2, 2017 1:35 am

    You might be french but you also need to understand what have been said before laughing. The butler didn't say rose=mon chéri he said that the "kind of rose" (new variety) in the greenhouse were called mon chéri.

    FACT: ‘Mon Cheri’ is a Hybrid Tea rose that was introduce in 1981.

    Aiteal February 2, 2017 2:14 pm

    ah! so i didn't understand ^^ lol
    Thank you :)

    Aoi February 2, 2017 10:15 pm
    ah! so i didn't understand ^^ lolThank you :) Aiteal

    No worries, it happens :)