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Some people are mad that Penelope manipulated Eclis, but her reasons makes it understandab...

lxn552 March 12, 2024 10:45 pm

Some people are mad that Penelope manipulated Eclis, but her reasons makes it understandable. And now Eclis is not only in love but OBSESSED with her.

    Morcheeba March 12, 2024 11:14 pm

    ..which is arguably WAY worse. I mean, he got her good when he said she doesn't love him at all (the thing that she'd been using like bait) and he followed her despite.

    From her POV its all moot anyway since the OG will get her way with a snap of her finger so why bother getting attached; point being they were BOTH ruthless and now they're both ruined. (I read the novel, still at this moment - everything followed that ring down the drain.)