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It took her 5 years to run away?πŸ’€πŸ’€ Damn girlie

Figgit March 12, 2024 10:54 pm

It took her 5 years to run away? Damn girlie

    mads March 13, 2024 7:42 am

    i mean that was all she had and she was completely isolated from everyone she knew so you can’t really expect her to run away when their is no where for her to go and she has no funds to take care of herself, at the time she thought her only friend hated her so she couldn’t go to him at the time and her husband was not responding, girl did her best

    CaiChiCat March 13, 2024 3:21 pm
    i mean that was all she had and she was completely isolated from everyone she knew so you can’t really expect her to run away when their is no where for her to go and she has no funds to take care of herself,... mads

    I wouldn't expect common sense from people on this site when it comes to abused women tbh. A lot of them expect women to automatically become bad ass and not have trauma or get over it quickly.

    MUND0 March 14, 2024 9:22 am

    Eh, my mom went through this as a child, said f this s#!t and left home at 15, now everyone looks to her for handouts. Everyone may not be a "girl boss" but that also means not everyone wallows in their helplessness, they get fed up with the bs, and make a change. The fact that 95% of abused FL's are written as such is what I believe is what bothers some readers. I once asked my mom what gave her the strength to leave and she told me she couldn't take the abuse anymore, it was either she leave or someone would end up dead. β”‘(οΏ£Π” οΏ£)┍

    OpiSin March 27, 2024 3:34 am
    Eh, my mom went through this as a child, said f this s#!t and left home at 15, now everyone looks to her for handouts. Everyone may not be a "girl boss" but that also means not everyone wallows in their helples... MUND0

    But...not everyone handles abuse in that way. Very often it takes outside support and crucially an objective voice.

    When you've been isolated and in this case made to feel as if you are the lowest of the low (which unfortunately mental illness was treated like historically [heck even now mental illness isn't universally or consistently treated with the understanding or grace it deserves]) it's incredibly difficult to escape. And not just escape but remain safe away from the abuser.