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The shame is real

Moody Jazz March 12, 2024 11:30 pm

Bro months ago i put rape = inexcusable here and 10 people downvoted thank goodness 20 people upvoted because sheesh 10 people thats fucking crazy omfg like when is rape excusable i cant think of a single situation where it is like where?????!!! Ill wait

    fujoshivan March 18, 2024 7:15 am

    By all means, I am not excusing rape, but I think for the purpose of omegaverses and in this verse in specific, it was not rape or if it was, it was for both of them, bc both recognize each other instinctively and where out of their minds with lust and longing, it wasn't something they could control given the circumstances - as far as I know, rape is assault without consent or having capability of judgement.
    Both were confused afterwards, given theirs experience with love and genders, and where dealing with the act in a very ackward way to consider as they were able to judge what happed.
    I don't think the plot could be seen as our rules, morals and ethics bc of the characteristics of it.