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I thought Aryka was going to ask something like "do you see me as a replacement for Yoen?"...

Kuku March 13, 2024 1:15 am

I thought Aryka was going to ask something like "do you see me as a replacement for Yoen?" cos hell it looks like that. It's sad because is obvious Vince doesn't love aryka in that way, he only became totally dependant of him. And as he's painfully grieving Yoen he just doesn't want to be left behind by the only person who stood by his side after all the Yoen's shit. I love this author and her stories, but idk if this was her intention or she just couldn't convey the message properly cos I can see that most of all don't buy the 'love' vince allegedly feels for Aryka but see most of a emotional dependence =(
