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“u looked cutest at this time… i should’ve taken a lot of pictures”

cumsock March 13, 2024 8:20 am

and following it w “no— always, you’re the cutest rn” cus makito realized what that implied…. my dog is getting older and anytime i have a thought like “i shouldn’t have gotten a pet” because it’s inconvenient at this point of my life makes me feel like a POS! esp since our pets. we are their whole world. they don’t ask to come into our lives. now, that she’s older, i think abt how i don’t play with her much, the places she hasn’t been to, etc. time is so scary and it doesn’t wait for anyone. i really love this manga’s retrospectiveness on aging, and death . it makes me want to take ahold of the people and things i love and tell them so :’(
