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Omfg, the way I used 100% of my brain to even comprehend wtf was happening between chapter...

just_an_addict March 13, 2024 6:30 pm

Omfg, the way I used 100% of my brain to even comprehend wtf was happening between chapters 15-30(i think it was around chapter 30 where it was fixed), made me feel so fucking dumb. The translation was so ass. Anyways, after that I had a good time reading and UNDERSTANDING the plot more.

I hope that she finds out that she is the biological daughter of the empress.

I have a theory that, the fairy tail about the elf empress and the red haired (was she a friend of theirs, I can't really remember cause I think it was at the part where I had to deduce wtf was happening) was happening again. The red haired bitch could either be a descendant of the red haired from the fairy tale or she is the one from the fairy tale, cause she know how to use her power.

Also, the bitch definitely did steal the our princess from the empress, I mean the looks give it away. But the reason she did so, I think it's because she might have already know that Luana has the power of an elementalist. But then, that kind of proves that the bitch is the red haired from the fairy tale, cause how else would she have known?

That's concludes my theory for now. Is there a novel for this? If there is, someone who has read it please spoil it for me, thank you.
