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kanghyun a bitch you only like MC when ML appeared you bitch. you feel like hes taking som...

kirishimahoe March 13, 2024 7:04 pm

kanghyun a bitch you only like MC when ML appeared you bitch. you feel like hes taking something from you so you confessed u like Mc what a stupid dumb man. FL please do better, idk how much patience you have pls cut off ur bff hyuna and kanghyun!!!! if i get chance to reincarnate i will leave them too and start my life with ML whos trying to save me but ends up reincarnated together

    Jojothehoehoe March 24, 2024 1:04 am

    Right like he didn’t like you before the time relapse but now you have someone else and you want to change and like her