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Lizzie March 14, 2024 12:58 am

Is it even possible to dethrone the wife of a royal though? Their throne is connected to their spouse. At least in the monarchies I know, lol.

Kael and Hess were so cute in this chapter. I'm glad she's noticed (for real) that Kael is okay now.

    Rishi March 14, 2024 1:05 am

    They can appeal for the two to divorce ig?

    Krizhanah March 14, 2024 1:50 am

    Yes they can. Especially if the said royalty was a spouse(not originally a royalty). The subjects can appeal for all the wrong doings the said royalty did and if they are not fit for the said position, but it will still comes down to the power, feelings/relationship of the king/emperor or their spouse....

    Like if they will turn a blind eye to everything that has been done or if they have the power to ignore all the appeals of the subject, especially the nobles with high position