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zerouch March 14, 2024 1:40 am

bruh what the hell is happening in volume 8?in all the past volumes the couple has been great in giving reassurances, motochika in particular, but now he's doing the opposite by being secretive and weird about the tutor??

they've never had this problem before so i don't know why the author decided the natsuki and motochika aren't able to talk about their problems properly now

also don't get me started on that fucking tutor,, she had sex with a highschooler she's literally a predator why is no one in the story weirded out by this?? not to mention it's also very fucking weird of her to still try and be close to motochika despite knowing their past with each other

    PauliGE March 14, 2024 4:42 am

    I mean, human relationships aren't perfect, and while we love our boys' healthy relationship, it doesn't mean they can't have issues, also I think exploring Chika's side with the tutor it's kinda interesting, like he's actually realizing he was sexually assaulted/raped by that woman, like he's having anxiety and it kind of shows signs of trauma, it had been disregarded a lot and tbh it kinda bothered me, especially that Natsuki found it hot at first, but now he's figuring it's weird, either because of jealousy or because it is fucking weird
    I just hope that they can figure everything out, that woman dies or apologizes and dies, and the story can keep going

    zerouch March 25, 2024 3:38 am

    well if you put it like that then chika's reaction makes more sense so thanks for the insight!! hopefully the author goes in that direction as well