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...NOW SEE...

perkystar March 14, 2024 7:05 am

Trauma is underrated. I know what the Queen did was wrong but the more they show her past, the more remorse I feel for her. That B*t*h a** King NEEDED to die but my sadness is that he was not made known for what he was being killed for...

He created her madness and dared to make her raise the concubine as the heir. Did not even give her the honour at least to birth the Heir just straight-up betrayal... Naaahhh

The Queen is just a heartbroken woman 2.0 trying to deal with the hurt and playing a long game. She's very patient...

I don't hate her NEITHER do I like her...

    Chocomilk March 14, 2024 8:07 am

    Same, I cannot justify what she did is right but I can get her reason of doing that. I guess I hate the concubine and the king more than I hate Queen even though she is acting like a Satan throughout the story. This is like all transmigration with protagonist that has manwhore fiancee who cheating behind her back, only this doesn't have the transmigrator possesses the Queen to clean up the mess and break up with the manwhore to start a happy life (I didn't say rebirth because I think the queen will take much worse revenge than this). Everyone is suffering due to the action of that manwhore and his concubine.

    Juliet March 14, 2024 12:44 pm
    Same, I cannot justify what she did is right but I can get her reason of doing that. I guess I hate the concubine and the king more than I hate Queen even though she is acting like a Satan throughout the story.... Chocomilk

    Honestly I feel the same why use her like that they deserve it the king and his mistress after all even if he loved her she was still a mistress all in all