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Ain't nowhere to go but down...

LalalaIcanthearyou March 14, 2024 11:48 am

Even if J manages to pull a win out of this, he's gonna be f'ed up for a while. Regardless, he has a singular human punching bag to unload all of that rage onto, and regardless of reasoning, he's going to blame Dan bc the other team designed it that way.

I want J to win bc somehow I hate the baldy more, but also bc I know whatever grape or beating is coming for Dan won't be quite as bad. Oh, and has anyone else noticed the lack of pre-game "jinx" bouts? They're preparing us for something, and I

    Imasleep March 14, 2024 12:12 pm

    I think the author just forgot what their story is about...

    Lovelykei March 14, 2024 12:16 pm

    I noticed that to ib been wondering if they still do it off screen or not, but it’s actually an important part of this story so for it to not be shown at all for these last two matches, maybe they didn’t so it all hmmm