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huh, so they're teleporting like usual.

sasa March 14, 2024 2:52 pm

hm, I could tolerate the laws of physics being suggestions, but the fire incident breaks immersion for me.

why is the no-pants look her 'disguise' for escape? Or did she just find the shirt+jacket+cap?

why did her bro originally save his rival from the fire while he was holding his sis captive, did he not know at the time?

Why does right hand guy leave his boss stuck in a fire knowing he has a fire related trauma, and why did MC turn even that into a damsel in distress situation?

the boss lady is fine with mass murder and blowing up what is probably one of her own group's buildings to get to her step bro, but she's too disgusted to kill a (supposed) hooker on the spot?

Ah, well - space is a suggestion and time is a construct, so maybe logic isn't real either.
