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Yall chill

quinnea March 15, 2024 4:21 am

Idk why yall think it's fucked up. It's not that fucked up if the setting is like this. What's fucked up is you getting fucked by your blood relative or shit just coz you both are diff genders. What happened to them isn't fucked up enough. It's so common in omegaverse for rape to happen so what are yall yapping about. Instead of spitting "this is so fucked up' or shit, why dont you read the next chapters then see if their circumstances did fuck them up. Yall yapping fucked up fucked up. Stfu and understand that omegaverse comes up with the craziest logic or shit. Rape coz u have animal gender shit isnt "fucked up"

    Pernux March 15, 2024 4:54 am

    Lool this logic is fucked up! So just because it’s common, does that mean its not fucked up?! Thats even scarier. Do you need to read more to know that it did fuck them up? The Fl literally relives her RAPE every month or so! Because he bit her neck, her body instinctively craves him, her RAPIST. Even if i’m aware that omegaverse has crazy logic, doesn’t mean I’m not gonna be shocked when I see something horrendous happening. Anyway I’m glad I don’t see a romance tag and I hope it continues like that. Also even if rape is common in omegaverse, how many stories are there of Alphas holding back?!?

    o_so March 15, 2024 5:08 am

    Your comment is incredibly disrespectful and inappropriate. yes getting fucked by your blood relative is fucked up but normalizing rape bc it's in every omegaverase is also fucked up. Lets not normalizing rape in omegaverse and treating it as if it's some trivial thing that’s just “part of the story” and it's not really affecting the characters that much. While yes, this is fiction, it's still concerning to see such a serious and traumatic thing as rape being depicted so casually and flippantly. And if somehow they have a terrible past it still doesn't justify shit. The way you treat this as "Oh it not real so even tho she got raped you guys are making a big deal out of it" is this how you treat rape victims? Bc I hope not.

    For you to just bluntly say it okay bc omegaverase are always like this is gross. Thr fact she was raped by a man who she did not know and literally had a mental breakdown is not fucked up in your mindset? I think that say something about you.

    NorOreo March 15, 2024 5:15 am

    Okay, so rape isn't fucked up, huh?
    Everyone take notes from McPredator over here

    Son Minji March 15, 2024 4:07 pm

    The others already roasted you with logic, and get help