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I love it

TheHoneyCookiecrumbs March 15, 2024 4:57 am

I fucking love the team leader and the MC and their bond! I fucking love how he messes with Kinam now too. I fucking love everything about this story and it’s so funny too and ugh I love it!! I can’t wait for more updates and I hope this one day gets animated. I love the characters so much and the plot ighhh and I can’t wait till the parents realize mix blood! And I wonder if his dad is high up there with all those secret missions. Ughh and this is him joining an immortal team force! Imagine if he also learned the styles of the shapeshifter force too. Man has so much Potential and keeps growing! Ughh and I love how this also proves that the MC dad and mom are a perfect match because each other abilities covers the other’s weakness. Litterlg proves they are soulmates and created the perfect mesh of their which is the MC I love everything
