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Idk what the hate is about..

PoloDolo March 16, 2024 5:13 am

I like the fact that he accepts his new life. It’s not much that he can do. I read someone say that they don’t like how he’s killing off the people, and I think it’s cool. He only kills those who attempt to hurt him (self defense). If someone was trying to kill you -(literal fuking death that he obviously is afraid of as you should be if you are any sort of living being)- you’re resolve would be to simply knock them out and carry on your way?

Him taking their essence and whatnot after they died isnt hurting anyone. They are dead. The humans can do nothing with that energy, he’s not ruining the already dead body (of someone he doesn’t care about bc they literally tried to end his life.)

They explain how he got his strength (farming other BEAST not humans.)

And they also gave a slight challenge in the fights showing that he’s not THE best but he’s learning.

He grew closer to the girl the same way he grew closer to the beast in his village. They bonded over time. He said how he had faint memories of his past and his sister played a big part in his past which is shown in the beginning of the book.
