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BigBanana March 16, 2024 8:24 pm

I hate Cesar. I feel a little bad because they all had to deal with a shitty dad but even if I feel a bit bad Cesar is just disgusting.

I hope our lord and savior Iske will soon discover Rudbeckia's true relationship with her brother and keep Cesar far away from Rudbeckia.

Our sweet little Golden Canary requires protection. I wish she could physically defend herself... but sadly that is not one of her abilities.

I'm also rather curious about OG Rudbeckia. I have a feeling she a BAMF or at least I hope so.
I wonder how OG Rudbeckia would feel about Cesar... I wonder what they've experienced together.

    Tanx17 March 22, 2024 1:56 pm

    from the spoilers i think

    og ruby is the same ruby in this timeline as in their souls are the same just that ruby has forgotten it

    BigBanana March 22, 2024 5:16 pm
    from the spoilers i think og ruby is the same ruby in this timeline as in their souls are the same just that ruby has forgotten it Tanx17

    That makes a LOT of sense. Especially considering her dreams or visions or whatever. That is so cool- I can't wait for more.