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How do you report a manga

Serge March 17, 2024 7:44 am

The people who manage this site are Double standard the age gap police as I call them come and clearly take off wholesome stuff with zero s€x just blushing and holding hands and the age is like 5 to 6 year age gaps and they take those types of age gaps off but they keep the most creepy gross stuff on with age gaps of 10 years and higher with s€x I don't understand these people where are the age gap police when it comes to those types of mangas?

    ShizukaChann March 17, 2024 7:49 am

    Wait, what wholesome mangas did they take off?

    Mika March 17, 2024 7:56 am

    WHAT It's either they did removenit or the ushtor found out about this website and told the admin to remove it

    Spammy March 17, 2024 8:58 am

    So Mangago is an aggregator site! It isn’t social media so I don’t think there’s active administration that removes stuff the way there is on social media. On the rare occasion the admins step in is when the creator is threatening to sue or take down the site if the work isn’t removed

    Sephiroth March 17, 2024 10:18 am

    you're clearly new here if that's how you thought why some manga/manhwa either dropped or deleted because of baseless age gap problem you have in your imagination xD

    Serge March 27, 2024 5:25 am
    you're clearly new here if that's how you thought why some manga/manhwa either dropped or deleted because of baseless age gap problem you have in your imagination xD Sephiroth

    Some people said they reported the manga because of age gap yet so many gross mangas are on here I don't know why they listened to those people who were trolling

    Serge March 27, 2024 5:28 am
    So Mangago is an aggregator site! It isn’t social media so I don’t think there’s active administration that removes stuff the way there is on social media. On the rare occasion the admins step in is when ... Spammy

    They have removed a friend of mine was translating and people on this site reported it I don't know how but they were happy and it was a wholesome manga I don't understand why people are trolling on this site either way thank you for sharing that with me