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Hmm I dont think this one is that bad. Surely the little brother did bad things, which wou...

fizi January 18, 2017 12:42 pm

Hmm I dont think this one is that bad. Surely the little brother did bad things, which would not be considered acceptable in reality. But here in a fictional work, I guess paying attention to the emotional aspect

    fizi January 18, 2017 12:45 pm

    Should be enough. Don't be so upset guys, dont like it, dont read it. It's someone's hard work and if you cannot appreciate it, at least dont leave hateful comments. Just a warning about moral issues for other readers should be enough, no?

    nyxmeow January 18, 2017 1:05 pm

    I disagree, no offence <3. Whether it's fluffy vanilla or dark and morally questionable, the way the story is told, the way the author develops the characters and emotions, and the way the subject matter is handled are important. These things go a long way towards deciding whether a manga is enjoyable, or at least well executed. That's the kind of thing people have been criticising in the comments, from what I can see. There's a big difference between hateful comments and legitimate criticism.

    monne January 18, 2017 2:39 pm
    I disagree, no offence <3. Whether it's fluffy vanilla or dark and morally questionable, the way the story is told, the way the author develops the characters and emotions, and the way the subject matter is ... @nyxmeow


    fizi January 18, 2017 4:44 pm
    I disagree, no offence <3. Whether it's fluffy vanilla or dark and morally questionable, the way the story is told, the way the author develops the characters and emotions, and the way the subject matter is ... @nyxmeow

    Sure, I have no prob with people calling this cliché and boring, because it is not wrong and it's "legitimate critism". I just think calling someone else's work shit hole and irritating is unkind and rude. Instead of saying so, just state why it is bad so people understand, not throwing hate at it.

    nyxmeow January 18, 2017 10:33 pm
    Sure, I have no prob with people calling this cliché and boring, because it is not wrong and it's "legitimate critism". I just think calling someone else's work shit hole and irritating is unkind and rude. Ins... fizi

    I understand that you feel some comments, esp. with strong language, are insulting the manga. But I think comments like "irritating" are still legitimate, because I felt that people found the way the plot and characters developed irritating. I think they're justified in saying it. All kinds of art and literature are created so that people will react to it, and the comments are people's reactions.

    I do agree that it's always better if people explain WHY they find a manga shit hole - but the person below did that!!