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Not a fan of the trope:

MangaThinker March 17, 2024 12:51 pm

The Official Main Wife is the Villain, while the Shit Father had his good melodramatic reasons.

    Cid March 26, 2024 6:55 am

    Same, it's like telling people that being a mistress is better than being a legal wife, which is wrong. But in nobles especially royalty the "wife" is not just a spouse but an important position in a household with own responsibilities and they will prefered woman that is capable of running the household with the head so sometimes love is not important in this kind of union, and the man of the household ended up having a mistress as they are the woman they love. Which I understand in this kind of POV...

    But the thing is the "man" doesn't handle this kind of situation well. I believe the man needs to know how to handle all of his women he brought in his household as they are his responsibility even if he loves them or not. Most that I see, they just let them fight and do nothing when they have problems which is so shitty. If you want to have a harem, make sure you can manage them well. They're not a mere fleshlight, they are people with feelings. They usually invalidated the wife feelings just because they don't love them or because of political reasons but is it hard to be at least civil with each other? Some are worse douche bag even personally abused the wife and when the wife fights back, they call them a villain.

    Of course there are wives that have a shitty personality and greediness in them, that is a true villain.

    Sorry for the long reply.

    MangaThinker March 26, 2024 8:12 am
    Same, it's like telling people that being a mistress is better than being a legal wife, which is wrong. But in nobles especially royalty the "wife" is not just a spouse but an important position in a household ... Cid

    I appreciate your sophisticated argument ;)