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what world am i in right now

fish March 17, 2024 5:22 pm

i feel like i also lost my memory because i do not remember reading this but at the same time i know i did read it but like did i just jot finish it? did i get hit by a car and also transport into another universe and thats why i cant remember if i read this...

    Chibie March 17, 2024 5:44 pm

    I feel like the plot and details were so common that reading it wasnʻt as exciting. Donʻt get me wrong, it is a nice and easy read, but just too similar to everything else.

    HOWEVER, I started reading BWAT when Smyrna&Capri and Miscreants were just starting. so I put them on freeze and started reading BWAT chronologically.
    in the chronological sense, I could see how BWAT arrived to delivering amazing work, cause at the beginning it was so rough, then it was meh (like they were trying different things), and then they found their style and niche (art and writing) with the current projects.

    so I can see how you are reading Yellow Dragon, where they were just leveling up, but not fully there and it is forgettable. and if you look at Yellow Dragon as a point in their development, then it makes perfect sense. as itʻs own story - too many cliches and holes in the story. and if we judge Yellow Dragon in comparison to their current work, ooof, their work is so good right now. so Yellow Dragon wonʻt even stand out.