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Re reading and still crying

RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ March 17, 2024 6:31 pm

they're purely Betas , despite all the wishes all they asked for was to stay together and never leave each other's side cuz they love each other even if their relationship is not Fated pair they have love at first sight for each other , both betas love each but they fear what society will think of their relationship will make fun of them and will not accept them all they asked for was to be there for each other , i loved it even in omegaverse i love those stories where it is forbidden or insecure that's what real relationships are , it might be bittersweet for many people cuz they can't have children but childrens aren't important to be happy what is happiness is how they love each till the day they die. I love it i cried so much it's fantastic !!
