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Love thissssssss!

mel March 19, 2024 11:45 am

This is such an amazing story. Towa is such a gentle and warm person. They are so good together. Mitsuru deserves all the love. I saw some comments that the romance wasn't developed properly. But I think it's perfect. It's a short manga and it explores so many things - their families, the gang, and their love story. The progression of their romance is slow and subtle even if it may seem rushed. Because some of it happened off-screen I believe. I can't really explain but i really like the pace. It tells so much without saying much. It has movie like feeling to it. It's definitely going to my fav list.
I loved all the characters - Towa's whole family, Gori-san. YAMATO is a good brother. He's the MVP here. also their OLDER BROTHER is amazing. I really wish we could get their sequels. At this point, Yamato is going to be the leader of GGold lol.
I love this mangaka. Can't believe there was a manga from them that I hadn't read before. I'm so happy to read this.
