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Old messed up yaoi mangaka

Yuukie March 19, 2024 12:30 am

There's this mangaka with a kinda messy art style... Like wide undefined eyes and the dicks always had messy pubes I think. The author had at least a few short stories. One of them was really messed up:

The couple were a bartender I think and a client. This client enters with a child and one day the both of them rape the bartender :/ like the adult takes the bottom and the kid uses the mouth... i think it had a follow up story with just the adults. [I've been thinking maybe this author and their work can't be found after being cancelled more recently than not for such story]

This other story from the same author I remember has a couple of teens and they've had their first time but it hurt a lot for the bottom and so he doesn't wanna have more sex, but then top convinces him and he uses some oil (i think it was cooking oil lol) and prepares him right and bottom enjoys it (he comes under his school uniform sweater) and by the end he doesn't wanna do it again because he's scared he's gonna get hooked on sex.

Thanks in advance for the help!
