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Lol his d phatt

Kurotsukki March 19, 2024 2:59 pm

But can we talk about the fact that taeju is legitimately traumatised from euihyuns unaliving attempt in the sea and is scared he'll try again ╥﹏╥

    Daehwa March 19, 2024 3:15 pm

    Yess. The fact that it traumatized him so much that he got anxiety attacks. Lord save me. He does truly care. The fact that he didn't force anything on euihyun anymore. He go at their pace. Being patient yet still trying to make the situation lively. So that euihyun can get those negative feelings off his mind. His redemption arc is truly top tier. He show it by action. Not like some trashy top that say "I'll take care of you" and everything suddenly got better.