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Does anyone know the title/s? T_T

ær. March 19, 2024 4:44 pm

Please, if anyone knows I'll be so grateful for any help!

There is two manga/manhwa I'm looking for, I can't remember their title. The first one's premise goes like this: A bunny/rabbit boy gets "sacrificed" to the wolf clan as a bride and everyday they slowly do stuff together (mainly the wolf guy) to let the rabbit boy adjust before doing the real thing? It was a whole tradition thing. It's yaoi in black and white manga style, and I think it's completed(?)

The other one is: There's a girl from a clan that is known for their healing. They all have silver hair but she has a dark one, she always gets discriminated. Her mom died and she then becomes the king's bride. This one is fully colored manhwa style. That is all I can remember :(
