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Ugghhhhhhhhh this is so frustrating

PıKı☆ March 19, 2024 6:58 pm

why is everyone acting like yukino is resolved of how she killed THREE people SHE IS A MURDER she isn’t a poor little meow meow she isn’t a fragile woman you can fix you delulu shit stain HOLY FUCK why does no one understand SHE RUINED HER LIFE FOR NO FUKING REASON poor girl just had the worst luck to get picked as the household yukino was gonna ruin to get to Tokyo :( SHE HAS COMMITTED SO MANY CRIMES TOO THO DO THE POLICE JUST NIT EXIST???? : FAKE IDENTITY, BLACKMAIL, ASSULT, KIDNAPPING, FORCED IMPRISONMENT, AND LITERAL MURDER WTFFF HOW IS SHE JUST GONNA GET AWAY WITH THIS SHIT HOW IS NO ONE IN THIS STORY SANE JUST CUZ SHE HAD A TRAMATIC CHILDHOOD AND IS ATTRACTIVE TO YOU DOES NOT DISSOLVE HER OF HER GUILT ??????
