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This kinda made me sad

NeAr_HoRnI~ March 19, 2024 7:39 pm

Wait why do I feel?

This actually made me a bit sad I don't know why I feel like Pedro is in pain I just feel like Pedro has a very sad backstory that no one knows thats why he turned into a bad guy and then at the end he was just turn into a sex slave I don't know really it think it's just my damn depression talking to me again but I'm not really that upset still cool
Note: this is just my opinion. So dont get mad :,›

    QueenChan March 30, 2024 6:39 pm

    The plot in these stories are shìt.

    You have to turn off your brain. Otherwise you are getting off on pedro, the victim. Who is basically a casualty of war after carnivores went through a genocide. So he is forced to be a slave.

    And there's no winning in this plot line, unless some kind of balance is reached.

    So focus on the sex instead. The story is too short for any real resolution.

    chuchulovelymunimunimuramura June 9, 2024 7:45 pm

    Good news! This is a gay porn cartoon & none of the characters are real, neither is anything that happens to them. These are just horny drawings somebody drew for your entertainment!