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sammy March 19, 2024 11:10 pm

I initially liked his story as it was cute and light hearted, a young boy developing a crush on the next door neighbour and trying to convey his feelings in the way he knows. He innocently plans a future with this neighbour as he is not fully aware that he cannot simply just marry him and it was enjoyable to watch most adults not take him seriously and the slow realization everyone gets that this child is not joking about this.

Once the expected confession ensues, the sensible thing for the older neighbour to do would be to turn down the child and move out to university away from the community and try to limit their contact. I was hoping that the Oni moved out and returns back to the community when the child has become an adult and we will then know if his crush stood the test of time and distance or if it faded away as most crushes often do

However, from the comments the story has taken a weird turn in the wrong direction now fully entering into immoral and illegal boundaries. I defended this book when these concerns were stated, back when there were only about 20 chapters because i has seen another book on this site where a 30+ woman engages in sexual intercourse with a 3-4 year old child and the comments were full of praise for their "love" when she literally dragged a pre pubescent, pre adolescent kid to a love hotel and they had sex because she couldn't wait, this was in the first few chapters of the manga.

With this knowledge i did not understand why this manga was getting hate when it had not crossed any boundaries and remained fairly wholesome, and the manga never portrayed any adult around the child as having pedophilic intentions so i imagined a separation of the main characters would soon take place creating an avenue for character development especially for the child who at the time had not learnt of the sexual aspect of romantic love and was focused on the doki-doki feeling, tranquility, and simply wanting to be in their presence.

I'll be honest, i should have been sensible enough to expect this considering Japanese manga culture but i was willing to give it a chance as i have seen worse as i mentioned above but now i pull the axe and cut myself from this story.
