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Looking for a specific yaoi with vampire

Fujoshiiiiiii January 19, 2017 7:48 pm

Hello. I am looking for a yaoi which title I can't remember. There is an arrogant vampire who doesn't want to get attached to humans. He uses them and moves on. However he started getting attached to a human. It is a school life yaoi if I remember correctly. He tried denying his feeling and forced/convinced himself not to get close to that human anymore. But he couldn't do well without the taste of that human blood (or his smell?) and started losing interested in everything else. At the end he had to go back to that human he couldn't be without. The thing with vampires in that manga is that once they found that human who is their fated one, they cant deny him and go on without having him (what our vampire tried to do but failed).
Also if anyone knows any other manga with the same plot (shoujo or yaoi) please feel free to recommend it while mentioning that it is not the main manga I am looking for.(▰˘◡˘▰) thanksss
