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I loved this story but now with how's she's acting I hate her so much like everything u ha...

Hara March 21, 2024 1:00 pm

I loved this story but now with how's she's acting I hate her so much like everything u have is thanks to him your life your revenge EVERYTHING bruh I want him to kill her honesty I'm so angry ungrateful bitch

    Witchery March 21, 2024 2:44 pm

    I get that she couldn’t have gotten revenge without him, and he helped her in many ways, but she found out that he deliberately schemed to kill her closest friend/ally out of nothing more than petty jealousy for her attention. He lied about when he remembered his past life even after she gave him a chance to come clean, and he swore that he wasn’t hiding anything else. Also, the fact that Wilhelm had his cloth means that he either stole it before the ambush or off of his injured body before leaving him for dead, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to come back for it. She was grateful for everything, she wanted to trust him. She wanted to build a life with him, married or not. He’s the one that destroyed everything. It was a cold blooded, premeditated murder of someone whose only “crime” was taking up Rein’s attention. He was also one of the only people who stood by her through the entire ordeal. It would be great if I had a spouse who helped make my dreams come true, worked towards my goals, and supported me through the most difficult periods of my life, but those actions and affection are not going to magically negate their sins if I find out they methodically planned the death of my closest platonic friend (by deliberately allowing an ambush that killed many other soldiers as well) just because they don’t want to share any of my attention.

    goldrush March 21, 2024 4:23 pm
    I get that she couldn’t have gotten revenge without him, and he helped her in many ways, but she found out that he deliberately schemed to kill her closest friend/ally out of nothing more than petty jealousy ... Witchery

    It hasn't been confirmed that he deliberately planned for Fl's friend to die. Wil hasn't said anything. In the end, Fl just basically assumed that he did

    Witchery March 21, 2024 5:07 pm

    It hasn’t been confirmed by his words directly, but she did confirm from multiple sources that he acted as if he knew about a lot of the attacks and enemy maneuvers before the ambush. He told her that he only remembered his past life after that point, but his actions indicate otherwise. Also, he had the cloth, but not Dietrich’s sword which it was attached to. That means he either must have taken it before the battle, or taken it off of Dietrich while he was unconscious. If he found the sword on its own, there would be no reason not to bring it back. Fl has chronic trust issues and now she’s getting info from several sources that one of her most trusted people betrayed her for his personal benefit

    Hara March 22, 2024 1:25 am

    Yeah no read the spoiler the bitch fuckin abuse the child she's so fucked in the head and I hate this story so much god once I loved this I can't believe it