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Not abuse but emotional blackmail...

TENYN March 21, 2024 5:36 pm

The husband is not abusing her.....he is secretive YES but it's more emotional blackmail,he treats her respectfully but she doesn't know who he really is,Jinjoo may feel like her husband tries to hard for them and always finds a way to take care of everything and the fact that he is all she thinks she has in this world and so it's why she thinks she can't leave or hurt him by leaving him and choosing a good life with Doyeon while he suffers..

    shrimpy March 22, 2024 10:23 pm

    ''hes not abusing her..its more emotional blackmail'' so you mean *emotional abuse*.. The fact of the matter is, he is abusive towards her, maybe not physically and he doesnt express it in a obviously aggressive manner, but abuse is still abuse. He manipulates her feelings and emotions and seems to have NO consideration for her wellbeing seeing that he left her to be terrorized and nearly killed numerous times by these thugs THEN has the audacity to still be involved with them despite the trauma they;ve inflicted on her. He didnt even ASK HER how she felt during that time, all alone and fearing for her life. You say that jinju believes he is all she has in this world and we see that by the fact that she has seemingly no friends or support cirlce outside of him. As a good healthy partner who should care for their wife, why is it that he hasn't encouraged her to have friends outside of HIM? Why is he okay with her being solely dependent on him to the point of CODEPENDENCY? It was stated that he didnt want her to get a job....why is that? So that he will be, to her, her only means of survival and so that he could control he. Simple.
    Emotional abuse IS ABUSE.

    TENYN March 23, 2024 4:44 pm
    ''hes not abusing her..its more emotional blackmail'' so you mean *emotional abuse*.. The fact of the matter is, he is abusive towards her, maybe not physically and he doesnt express it in a obviously aggressiv... shrimpy

    Emotional abuse and Emotional blackmail are tow different things but can look the same,anyway the husband is smart while Jinjoo is just so darn inexperienced towards life and the story sort of reminds me of the lesbian movie ( BOUND )......Jinioo tried to go back home once and her parents rejected her and ofcourse it would have ment that she left her husband and came back and he forgave and accepted her back hence why i say it's emotional blackmail,he does everything to make her stay with him and does anything to keep her good or bad he does it because,Jinjoo looks tired and hopeless and she looks terrible for only being 40yrs old which most 40yr olds looks way better than that,i do think though that he might even tell her it's ok for her to sleep with Doyeon as long as she doesn't leave him and that also will make her feel bad which is what he does....he guilt trips her into doing what her wants,the good things she thinks he does for her cost her in the end....

    OhGurl March 24, 2024 7:48 am
    Emotional abuse and Emotional blackmail are tow different things but can look the same,anyway the husband is smart while Jinjoo is just so darn inexperienced towards life and the story sort of reminds me of the... TENYN

    But that is abuse still. You're partner should never blackmail you. If the person you're with is manipulating you in any capacity it's abusive or at the bare minimum incredibly toxic.

    Guilt tripping your partner into doing what you want, irregardless of their feeling is emotional abuse. He's for sure controlling with their money and doesn't even discuss big purchases with her or loaning out large sums of money.

    We see him casually talking with Jinju's harassers who were going to 100% s*exualy assault her (we see it with the blond guy) and we as readers can tell that it wasn't just a, "oh we're just tying up loose ends" type deal. He's cunning and deceptive we see that. And he wants the control over Jinju again. It's very much emotional abuse.

    OhGurl March 24, 2024 7:49 am
    ''hes not abusing her..its more emotional blackmail'' so you mean *emotional abuse*.. The fact of the matter is, he is abusive towards her, maybe not physically and he doesnt express it in a obviously aggressiv... shrimpy

    I wish I could like reply so much! Because THIS is the take!

    TENYN March 24, 2024 12:55 pm
    But that is abuse still. You're partner should never blackmail you. If the person you're with is manipulating you in any capacity it's abusive or at the bare minimum incredibly toxic.Guilt tripping your partner... OhGurl

    Try to understand what i'm saying,Jinjoo won't see it as emotional abuse,she won't recognize it as that but from the husband perspective he is emotionally blackmailing her,so yes he is manipulative but to Jinjoo she sees it all as being loved & cared for and also the story is still way too vague at this point so i still need more to say that he is actually abusive towards Jinjoo......Jinjoo looks terrible for only being 40yrs old and for all i know she is wearing her guilt about her own choices that lead her to this point,for all i know she allows her husband to have control over so much in her life because she feels guilty for leaving her home and marrying him when she herself has and have nothing to give but her body...the writer depicts Jinjoo as a simple minded person and so i wonder if the husband knows how naive she is and it's why he has taken on such a roll,when he went away he even left money with her to take care of herself and she didn't even take care of herself,the house wash trash and she lived in it just like that,the thugs didn't break in and trashed the place it was her.

    TENYN March 24, 2024 1:00 pm

    Being honest i think this story at this point is still way too vague....

    OhGurl March 24, 2024 1:58 pm
    Try to understand what i'm saying,Jinjoo won't see it as emotional abuse,she won't recognize it as that but from the husband perspective he is emotionally blackmailing her,so yes he is manipulative but to Jinjo... TENYN

    Mmm ok, so I can agree with you with the fact that Jinju doesn't see it as abuse, because most victims don't but I can't agree with the misdirect theory about the husband's that you have. The husband is depicted as being kind but extremely absent-minded from Jinju perspective but because we as viewers aren't blinded by love or history of the husband we can see the hints of his true character.

    Personally, if my partner was ever being harassed I wouldn't be able to stand even LOOKONG at the thugs, I would still press charges of harassment. And we have multiple witnesses, Doyeon, Doyeon's sister, and Doyeons friend. As well as all the police reports bit no, the husband is do casual around them and the thugs speak familiar about the husband.

    Also Jinju doesn't look terrible lol. I think that's just how the author draws older characters. Multiple characters from the webtoon call her pretty, I think she's pretty she's just really frail. The teacher looks the same as Jinju and so does the thugs and husband when it comes to age. She's really pretty she just has bags like how the teacher has smile lines.

    TENYN March 24, 2024 2:56 pm
    Mmm ok, so I can agree with you with the fact that Jinju doesn't see it as abuse, because most victims don't but I can't agree with the misdirect theory about the husband's that you have. The husband is depicte... OhGurl

    Well maybe as i'm mixed race (african/indian/french creole ) we age very slowly so a person 40yrs old in my family looks more like 28yrs of age so yeah...any way i jist think the story is still way too vague om Jinjoo and the husbands back stories...the only person who i feel bad for is Doyeon.

    Tiqer March 25, 2024 5:26 pm
    Try to understand what i'm saying,Jinjoo won't see it as emotional abuse,she won't recognize it as that but from the husband perspective he is emotionally blackmailing her,so yes he is manipulative but to Jinjo... TENYN

    Just because Jinjoo doesn't see it as emotional abuse doesn't mean it's not emotional abuse. A lot of people only realize things after they get out of a relationship. From what's been happening so far, his behavior aligns with emotional abuse rather than emotional blackmail. There's been no depictions of emotional blackmail at all, so I don't know where you got that from. Manipulation does not automatically assume blackmail. In fact it's much more of an abuse thing. Emotional blackmail would be things like guilt-tripping, threats, etc. We've yet to see those. What we have seen is a complete disregard for her emotional well-being, hence she's being emotionally abused.

    TENYN March 26, 2024 2:14 am
    Just because Jinjoo doesn't see it as emotional abuse doesn't mean it's not emotional abuse. A lot of people only realize things after they get out of a relationship. From what's been happening so far, his beha... Tiqer

    so all you've read you have not recognized that Jinjoo does feel guilt...

    TENYN March 26, 2024 2:41 am
    Just because Jinjoo doesn't see it as emotional abuse doesn't mean it's not emotional abuse. A lot of people only realize things after they get out of a relationship. From what's been happening so far, his beha... Tiqer

    Emotional abuse meaning : A form of abuse by a person subjecting or exposing another person a type of behaviour that may result in psychological trauma,anxiety,chronic depression and or post traumatic stress.

    Emotional blackmail meaning : such a person can have a manipulative type of behaviour,threats,guilt tripping or playing the victim

    The real victim should be aware of feelings of fear,obligation,feelings of guilt after interacting with the person in question,a sudden shift in emotional tone and repeated threats or promises that never happen.

    And there is why i say emotional blackmail is what the husband is doing to Jinjoo and it is similar to emotional abuse but still in essence not the same thing....FACT IS FOR ALL WE KNOW THE HUSBAND WORKS FOR THE THUGS AND SET UP THE WHOLE HARASSMENT THING TO KEEP JINJOO FROM RUNNING AWAY OR LEAVING THE HOUSE BEHIND HIS BACK WHILE HE WAS AWAY DOING WHATEVER,ALL THE THREATS AND ALL...