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This is a perfect read older BL readers

senpaishyung March 22, 2024 12:00 am

I see other people saying “they have no chemistry”, or “the story is boring”, etc. Actually, this feels pretty human and specially mature. It resonates a lot better with older readers who, like me, had to go through the same struggles as Kuji recently, people who might feel like they don’t belong in their current job or are just feeling disillusioned by “adulting” and relationships.
The fact that they are mature enough to take their time to just enjoy each other's company, enjoy their bodies and accept their feeling without making a whole deal out of a kiss, a one night stand or a confession, feels very refreshing and super accurate to the stage of life they are in.
However, it does feel kind of weird that they are 38 yo but are still depicted like baby faced teenagers. Some wrinkles would have helped the immersion in my opinion.
