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The story was great, but it was rated less than 9. As I though, it wasn't because of story...

amimie March 22, 2024 4:21 pm

The story was great, but it was rated less than 9. As I though, it wasn't because of story or character building or the quality of the drawings, but because he called him his "wife".

And there you got mediocre story, writing and drawing, but because it checks all the right boxes it can get as high as 9.5. (and I'm not talking about webtoons that can easily reach that high)

If the uke was bothered by that shit, I might agree with you, because it would be blatant disrespect. But he doesn't even care if he calls him his wife, his mummy, or even his carrot, so why would the rest of y'all do... :'))
You can call a man "queen", "bitch", "diva"... but as soon as it is "wife" it becomes the W word... I don't get you, honestly...
