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Everyone's fighting in the comments. Look, I really like the side story cause I like the c...

Burdada March 22, 2024 8:23 am

Everyone's fighting in the comments. Look, I really like the side story cause I like the characters BUT I don't thinks it's correct to justify rape by saying "it's the way he is/he was abused as a child" because that doesn't justify that he doesn't care about Hamin in the end, he's just being totally selfish with his desires. Let's put Mogil from Guardians of the Lamb as an example. He was SA as a kid, they even made CP with him, and in Dark Heaven it's shown that he's also a rapist and a POS. BUT when he's with Hari he treats her well, he never forced himself on her because he CARES about her. Sehyuk it's obsessed with Hamin and sees him as a way to satisfy his selfish desires, maybe he'll care more in the future, who knows, but it's not a nice relationship just because Hamin stays with him no matter what.
Bottom line, let people enjoy the side stories but don't get mad when people don't like them, it's just natural since it's not a nice story, it's a really fucked up one and people have the right to be upset, having a rough childhood and upbringing doesn't justify mistreating the ones you "love".
