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Although it's been the most proper redemption arc I have seen so far. It is not enough. An...

AAAAA March 22, 2024 5:21 pm

Although it's been the most proper redemption arc I have seen so far. It is not enough. And tbh when his wish changed from a selfish "live together" to a selfless "dont die and live" that made me tear up, I like to imagine an angsty moment in the future wherein his redemption arc would lead to him sacrificing himself for the two brothers like getting shot or something. There is just something about him wishing him life and giving him everything to achieve that gets to me sm. He has been an asshole, but he had some soft moments from the start that kind of bled smoothly into who he has become now that it wasn't ooc of him unlike some bl characters. He's still crazy as fuck tho, but at least he is aware of his fucked up-ness.
