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I recommend you guys

GG_DEZZ March 22, 2024 7:38 pm

From my opinion who already read to lastest chapter of the novel (ch284), please drop this and find something with more quality. This story started interestingly and progressed horribly after that.

Everything centers around MC with the whole humanity tremendously useless to compete in the space league (the league that you have to fight with other species).

Nationalism is very apparent to the point of every country in the story seem bad even its people. For example, at one point later Ito Shizuru will get exposed of her bad deeds from manipulation to murder but... Yoon Sejin who awaken from manipulation skill thanks to Jihan, he will go around to find Ito and live to threaten Japan to bring Ito to him. If not, he will kill hostages every 10 mins. He will get condemned by everyone when his family was fallen apart because of her. Akari (her ninja) will get possessed as her avater after losing to Jihan, her parents also will be murdered by her master. And somehow, at first Jihan and his niece hate Yoon Sejin even they know he got manipulated.

And the chat system or public opinion, this story shows too much.

    GG_DEZZ March 22, 2024 7:49 pm

    The niece and everyone just exploit MC. Every point and improvement just pop outs out of nowhere. MC's personality is so bland, I was confused if I am weak to interpret character when I read in English. But no, some people think like me.

    Every character has one dimensional personality as well without the sign to improve and the reason. The author just throws information for readers to digest and accept it.

    At the moment, I will stop reading this and give only 1/5 since it wasted me 3 days to understand how garbage of this story.

    If I have to describe this story in one sentence. It will be 'Nationalistic fantasy story when the world deepthroating the MC and everyone is perfect extras.'

    Somm May 5, 2024 4:34 pm
    The niece and everyone just exploit MC. Every point and improvement just pop outs out of nowhere. MC's personality is so bland, I was confused if I am weak to interpret character when I read in English. But no,... GG_DEZZ

    Haven't read the novel but if it is going to be as you say, I just hope they'd change some things in the manhwa