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SAMII March 22, 2024 7:56 pm

i think y’all misunderstand Karino…. He was protecting Azusa most of the time, or did y’all not see what they did to taisho (w.e his name was sorry I forget) brother???

I never understand why there always has to be “it started with rape” element to it but it does and all of us went in knowing that since it happened literally in the beginning.

Trying to scream “I hate him for doing it” but you went on and read is ridiculous and hypocritical……

Anyways asumu had every right to have a “victim mentality” as he was very much a victim of the game as well….

The story was good I loved it, it was interesting and the subtle character developments are always my fav.
I’m a bit sad tho to see that karino and Azusa weren’t officially dating and just labeled it as hooking up :/ I hope to see more of every couple except eno and his partner ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ (Yeah he got hurt and a tiny part of me feels for him, but he hurt so many people WAY worse and didn’t feel as bad as he should’ve……)

    tjj May 16, 2024 1:42 pm

    He wasn't protecting Azusa he was manipulating the situation to make it seem that way. Raping Azusa personally instead of letting him get gang banged is protection? Get real. How is calling out a characters actions hypocritical if you've read the whole thing?? Go read a dictionary, or a bible cuz holy fuck you're weird.

    SAMII May 16, 2024 2:37 pm
    He wasn't protecting Azusa he was manipulating the situation to make it seem that way. Raping Azusa personally instead of letting him get gang banged is protection? Get real. How is calling out a characters act... tjj

    I said what I said ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭