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Forgot the title :/

zephyr4 January 20, 2017 12:08 pm

It was a short story (probably yaoi..:could be shounen-ai) about these two friends at high school who like each other. I think the feeling's mutual but I don't remember if they're going out or not. One of them (black haired dude) has immense difficulty in expressing himself so he couldn't get his feelings across to the other (light haired) dude. What I remember vividly is that he finally gets the courage and starts firing "I love you"s to the other guy to convey his feelings and the other dude gets embarrassed. (He legit started saying 'I love you' non-stop)This all happened on the roof top and I think their other friends were also somehow involved in the story.
Thank you (p.s sorry for the vague description)
