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I'm thinking about the scene where Alex picks up the ring for blackmail and it's literally...

octosis March 23, 2024 1:12 am

I'm thinking about the scene where Alex picks up the ring for blackmail and it's literally the one thing Clark didn't want him to pick. I think he loved the doctor so much he genuinely just wanted to see him happy even if it meant not being together. Like, that ring was the one record he kept of a relationship instead of a crime. And no matter what he said about killing Alex out of hatred and annoyance for being disappointing, in the end I don't think he would have done it if Alex didn't kill the one person he loved. But since he did, he went all out and made it the most brutal revenge tailored to Alex, rejecting his entire being.

It's also so sad about the doctor, because he wanted so badly to be loved by Clark in their relationship but felt inferior and like he couldn't do anything for him... so he moved on to someone he felt his love was useful to and it ultimately lead to his demise, even though Clark's emotions had been there all along. Not that he could have known, with Clark's manipulative personality and how he doesn't express what he's actually feeling.

All in all, everyone's fucked up here and I love it :')
