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"dirty whore and a traitor" yeah sorry my guy wasn't up to being SA by his adoptive father...

looniemoonie March 23, 2024 5:46 am

"dirty whore and a traitor" yeah sorry my guy wasn't up to being SA by his adoptive father and broke a bottle on the older hyung's head. Should have targeted you first. God these mfs are horrible. Hope MC and ML fuck over this family (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    MangaFreeTime March 23, 2024 12:34 pm

    If I’m remembering correctly, wasn’t it alluded that the older brother wanted minjae to harm him? But obviously the younger brother doesn’t know because it’s been a secret this whole time. Or did I have a fever dream and make that up?

    looniemoonie March 23, 2024 12:38 pm
    If I’m remembering correctly, wasn’t it alluded that the older brother wanted minjae to harm him? But obviously the younger brother doesn’t know because it’s been a secret this whole time. Or did I have... MangaFreeTime

    Tbh I don't remember, but I wouldn't put it past him. That hyung would probably have done it in order to control whatever narrative he wants to keep