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All I do is sigh every update

DrunkFujoshi94 March 23, 2024 6:48 am

Honestly just a tiny bit surprised he decided to question Dan when everyone was out of the room, still kinda upset potato didn't also mention that 'hey when we checked the sprays, they were just fine', but that's just me. Also why is no one using common sense that maybe just maybe when the fucking opposing side decided to come into their room, that one of them could've changed the damn spray instead of assuming Dan did it. Also more importantly look I like Dan, sad the grandma will probably be announced dead soon but why did he not speak up to the gym's manager? The minute he left the meeting with that old fuck from the opposing team he should've asked to have a meeting with the manager and told him everything. Especially after Jaekyung ignored him when he wanted to tell him, and I get it to an extent dude was watching matches of his opponent to get an idea of how he fights but still. I thought her other manhwa frustrated me but this one... it's going to be chapter 100 when we see a semblance of progress in whatever they are, cuz it's not a relationship.

    Karma March 23, 2024 8:56 am

    Its already shown how it was switched while they were arguing. See the panel in the previous chapter.

    DrunkFujoshi94 March 23, 2024 10:04 pm
    Its already shown how it was switched while they were arguing. See the panel in the previous chapter. Karma

    I know that, I'm saying the people on team black should be coming to the conclusion that they could've done it instead of blaming dan