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Eru March 23, 2024 11:43 am

This was too painful for both of them. As professional as Jaekyung is, that decision was so unfair. He fought damn well considering his multiple injuries. There should be at least a point difference in the score. That sonofa loser thinks he deserves to win should be ashamed of his cowardice! To have to go through all means to increase his chances of winning. Pathetic!

And Dan, amidst his relationship with Jaekyung, stood there, trusting. Braved to face the man whom he knows well could be brutal to him any minute he decided to. I really perceived that moment of them alone, him trusting his all to Jaekyung. Trusting he would listen to him. But of course, there's already been a crack in that trust way back. So it's even more painful to watch...

Also, I just want to emphasize... As maniac as Jaekyung is, to have to speak alone with Dan, giving him that chance to speak for himself, I still appreciated that. I'm not saying it was tolerable enough, but to me, it adds more to Jaekyung's character... I just wish the rest of the team doesn't loose favor over Dan.. That tie decision means so critical to everyone now...

Haaa... I'm heartbroken for some reason....
